Wednesday, March 30, 2016

How It Started

I want to start by sharing some background on why I decided to use summer reading as my project for my EDGE program.  First off what is the EDGE program? This is a program that SUU designed to get students engaged in their education. In this program students are given the opportunity to do projects in one of the following areas; community, creativity, global, leadership, and outdoor engagement. I did mine in community because I wanted to give back to my community.

Now that we know what I did the program for now a little about me. My name is Kendra Jones and I am a mother of 6 kids ranging from the ages of 12 to 3 year old twins. I have four kids that are school age and every year I tell myself "Ok I am going to make my children read all summer." Well then life happens and summer is over and my kids have read like 10 times all summer. I have one of my sons that is a slower reader and needs some extra help. I started doing some research and found out that most kids over the summer lose any where from a half to a full grade leave of reading over the summer. This would be say your child is on a 3rd grade reading level when they come back from summer could be any where from a 2nd to a 2.5 grade reading level. After learning this I decided that I had to do something different to help him and other kids knowing that I was not the only parent out there who let the summer get away from them. So this is where my summer program started!
My Family