Sunday, April 3, 2016


When I started this program I did have expectation of what I would learn only what the kids themselves would learn. Yes the kids took a lot from this program: Leadership skills, reading skills, the ability to follow directions, getting outside, being involved and playing with other, but I took away way more than they could have. I learned that I can help others and be successful at it. Some of the kids parents emailed with stories of the outcome of the program on their children. Going into this I was hoping to keep kids reading scores at what they were at the end of the school year. I got an email from on parent who's daughters reading score went up one reading score. My son who was behind at the end of the year was almost caught up. Theses results showed me that what I did helped.

The next thing that I got out of this project was to see how hard kids really do work. I think that sometime parents don't think that their kids are trying or trying hard enough. This was something that for me got put to sleep. I watched kids come in and struggle with reading and even with their struggling they would work so hard and never complain. Every day they would just come and work so hard. I asked one little boy how come he tried so hard and he told me "because if I try and try I will be able to be able to do it and do it good." If we all had this type of attitude towards everything we did then could you image what we would have could do?

Overall I feel that I learned so much from these kids and the community that I live in. I am also so glad that I was able to help so many kids over the summer and was able to encourage and make reading fun!

Email from a parent

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